Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Filming the last scenes of 'Homeless Guitar'

On Monday 29th April 2013, we filmed the last scene of 'Homeless Guitar', four of us met at the Forge underpass at about 11am with the actor Shazam Johnson:

Whilst we were filming, hobos started to appear in the tunnels, a hobo even came up to us to ask for change.

I found this interesting because we were filming at the right place, where usually stabbings/muggings happen at night.

An eerie reality, filmic space imitation and offscreen reality, Baudrillard's simulacra

Unfortunately, the boom mic. was not used much because of a broken lead that made crackling sounds. The INT camera sound will have to do

Eventually, a bunch of curious drunken 'chavs' interrupted our film shoot asking why we're using fake actors, and Joe told them we had to use people from the drama apartment:

"You should film us, we're real homeless people... We're just trying to give you some advice, you should do it with a real person."

One of the 'chavs' was singing "Shiny shiny, shiny piece of leather..." when he walked away.
It's the song Venus in furs by Velvet Underground:

After the film shoot at the forge, we didn't get the coffee shop we initially wanted but found a record shop:
Shazam (actor) and I
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to film at the record store, so Gino ran next door to a pub called 'Fox and Duck' and we filmed the last scene there.

Finally, it was a good last minute change because the bar staff of Fox and Duck was kind enough to let us use the space to film. It was a really fun filled day with encounters of strange people. 

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