The above quote is from Huxley's novel Brave New World, it suggests the definition of normal is not necessarily mentally well, but a conformity to social norm.I find this apparent and accurate in everyday society because the world is built around Extraverted-sensory preferred individuals. According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, roughly 60% of the world consists of Over-seers and Artisan-sensory types while the other 40% are Intellectuals and Dreamers.
Huxley challenges the idea that these 'normal' people are suppressed to a stage where they are trapped in their constructed 'comfort zones'. Trapped within what society has given to them and how they are structured like cyborgs.
In America, the default personality is ESTJ for males and
ESFj for females.
With distractions such as entertainment, especially targeted at types where the youth is manipulated into drugs, night life, watching TV and etc. The dominant personality type for United Kingdom, would be ESFp for females and
ESTp for males (The Conquerers).
Personalities of countries
Although genders are not relevant in personality types.
Having a night out seems to be incredibly important to most University students as a social convention, it relates to the ideals in Huxley's 'Brave New World'.
Although, there are different personality types that dominate each country. Therefore, society is build around the personalities that is dominant within each society.
Aldous Huxley is on the top of my list of inspirational people.
Brave New World is about eugenics, transhumanism, a dystopic dream-world that leads to the last revolution of the human race:
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
I find this really inspiring and hope to incorporate similar ideas in my future productions. I have to agree with both of Huxley and Orwell's thoughts on society because I could see countries such as Israel or North Korea being stuck in Orwell's 1984 political ideology, while developed cosmopolitan cities tend to point more towards Huxley's viewpoint.
The reason why I like Huxley's writings is possibly because we have the same personality, according to socionics.
Referring this to what is shown in class, it reminded me of Isle of Flowers (Ilha das Flores 1989) which I've watched multiple of times and have shared this among peers. The satirical nature within this film has interest me greatly with its fast paced narrative structure, its sardonic representation of consumerism, absurd aspects of human condition and the emphasis on cultural imperialism. Which relates to Huxley and Orwell's ideas as well.
The dark side of capitalism is reinforced and it begins with 'This film is not fiction. There is a place called Isle of Flowers.There is no god'. Furtado's monologue contains a wide variety of connections from different places, at first it may seem outrageous and comical, placing the tomato as the main protagonist, the microcosm of the whole film. The narrative takes us on a journey through a tomato, slowly zooming out from the microcosm and towards the macrocosm- the issue of human oppression. It is not a story about a tomato, is it a story of a huge network in which the tomato plays a part of, a human hierarchy circulates this idea.